
Ken & Irene Waite's 50th Anniversary


A few months ago Ken and Irene Waite, dear friends from our ward, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  It was my pleasure to be able to take a few pictures of them and their family.
We love Ken and Irene, they fill like family to us.  As I watched them and their family I looked forward to our future...when Mark and I celebrate 50 years together. I look forward to a life full of love and memories, of trial and triumphs, of friendships made along the way and mostly to our family growing. Ken and Irene have a beautiful family. They are beautiful, kind, generous people, they radiate the light of Christ. I am so grateful for their influence in our life.
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Relief Society said...
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Shannon b said...

So you're the photographer behind all those great photos I saw posted on Facebook. Nice job! We love Ken and Irene too. They are such great people and such good examples of living a happy life focused on family.

p.s. - Sorry, the "relief society" comment was from me. Forgot that I was logged in with my RS email account!

Anonymous said...

These are some great photos...great family and great job Jenn.