
Christmas Morning 2012

Christmas morning pictures are hard to get I think.  The kids are in a whirl, no one wants to hold still, everyone needs help opening something.  So this year instead of fight it I thought I would just embrace the blur of craziness. 

After breakfast, but before we open presents we read the story of Christ's birth
found in Luke chapter 2.

The traditional "pile of presents" photo.  When it comes time to open gifts that are under the tree we distribute every one's all at once, take a photo of each person and their pile and then one by one youngest to oldest...tear into it!  When the fun is done we go around for thank you hugs and kisses.  It works for us. It's fun controlled craziness.  Merry Christmas in May!!
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1 comment:

Shannon b said...

Man, your kids made a great haul! :) The blurry photos definitely show the craziness and excitement of Christmas. Want to know my little trick? I bought one of these -- http://www.lightscoop.com -- and I always use it on Christmas morning for our photos. It bounces the flash off the ceiling so you can get good, crisp photos without that harsh flash look.