
Meet me in Montana...

When I was a little girl I spent a fair amount of time helping my dad change the water on his hay fields. I can't imagine that I was very helpful, but he would have me tag along. I would wander through the waist high hay, watch the planes fly high overhead and sing my little heart out. "Meet me in Montana" by Marie Osmond was one I remember singing often and dreaming of someday when I would find true love and he would take me to Montana. Now every time we cross the state line into Montana the little girl dreaming in a hayfield smiles that dreams do come true. This summer we spent a week in Red Lodge with Mark's sister Julie and her husband Nathan just south of Billings. The oldest of their 5 kids was getting married and so the Habel's gathered together!
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Shannon b said...

This post just makes me smile. :)

Nicole said...

I LOVE "Meet Me In Montana"! It reminds me of my Dad!!