
My baby


Just before school started Alyna got her senior pictures taken by my darling friend Tanya.capturingmagic.com ! She was so sweet to let me tag along. This was probably the first senior moment for me. You know those moments when you realize that your baby is about to grow up and will soon leave the nest. Those moments when you hope that you have either taught them what you think they will need to know to make it in the world or realize you better get to it. Those moments when you realize how beautiful and wonderful and capable they are. Those moments when you are supremely thankful that it has been you that has had the privilege of coaching them through their childhood and cheering them on as they transition into adulthood. Yeah those moments that give you the chills and get teary eyed. Still, no matter how grown-up she gets she'll always be my baby.
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Shannon b said...

These photos are so sweet! And what a tender moment. Crazy to see that girl growing up! She has such a good head on her shoulders and a respect for you and Mark, I know she will do great.

Nicole said...

Ditto to what Shannon said! You are a wonderful Mother who has raised a beautiful and wonderful daughter!!